Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 7 - Google Docs

I know I'm a few weeks behind - but I did get around to trying out google docs. Its very useful to post some documents you might need access to whether you are at home or work or wherever. I have set up a spreadsheet with a list of names and details and actions for my research project - its really only for me so there's no sharing involved but it means I can access it from wherever and not worry about which computer it is on!
We use sharepoint alot - similar idea but restricted access and strict controls around checking out editing and checking back in signing off and publishing new versions etc. Its really good but can slow yo down as there will always be a quick way around to getting something done. Google docs is quick and easy without the strict controls - so it offers flexibility but still the potential for multiple copies of documents to float about.

Its horses for courses really - a good way to create a quick platform for creating a document with multiple contributors.

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